How is Natural Home Remedy Good for Hernia Treatment?

Background information: Hernia is a kind of ailment that occurs due to the organ prolapse or protrusion through the walls which very weak and thus ruptures leading to pain. Particularly, hernia happens in abdomen region and groin area where this condition affects men more than women. There are several types of hernia like inguinal hernia, femoral hernia etc. Generally, children and old age people are most susceptible to these diseases.
Numerous factors may be responsible for hernia such as pregnancy, obesity, strenuous exercise and lack of physical activities etc. Some time it may also happen due to many diseases involved in intestines, gallbladder or urinary tract. These all are the reasons behind this condition thus here we will learn about the importance of natural home remedy for hernia treatment.
Note: Consult your doctor before starting any treatment.
1. Garlic for Hernia
Garlic has been used as a natural remedy from ancient time for various ailments and have been beneficial in numerous diseases. This herb comprises of sulphur compounds that are responsible for giving the medicinal value to this bulb. These sulfur compounds play a beneficial role in increasing the flow of blood in the body which in turn helps to cut down this hernia pain.
How to use:
To get relief from hernia, garlic is best in this regard. It can be crushed in to small pieces and have it with honey early in the morning for better result.
2. Salt Water for Hernia
It is one of the most effective; easy and cheap home remedies that are very beneficial in managing hernia condition. This salty water comprises of sodium chloride which makes it helpful in managing swelling and inflammation in the region by reducing its size.
How to use:
Take one teaspoon of salt and mix it in a glass of water, stir well and drink this mixture to get relief from hernia. The best thing about this home remedy is that it can be used as many times as possible.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar for Hernia
Apple cider vinegar comprises of malic acid that reduces the rate at which sugar is obtained by body cells hence, this condition will ease down the hernia pain. This ingredient in this home-made remedy helps to reduce swelling and treats infection thus it minimizes the symptoms of hernia.
How to use:
To get rid of the hernia pain, apple cider vinegar is a beneficial home remedy. It can be mixed with a cup of water and have it twice daily before going to sleep at night and after having breakfast in the morning.
4. Onions for Hernia
Onion comprises of sulphur compounds that are medicinally beneficial in reducing the severity of hernia pain. It soothes this condition by stimulating strong anti-inflammatory effects on body cells thus is one of the best home remedies for hernia treatment.
How to use:
Take onion juice and apply it on this affected area, keep it for some time then rinse with warm water. Repeat this process 2-3 times in a day for better result.
5. Ginger for Hernia
Ginger comprises of a chemical constituent called gingerol which is known to exist as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent useful in getting rid of many diseases like arthritis, cancer etc. It has got great medicinal value that helps in reducing the size of hernia by soothing its symptoms.
How to use:
Take few drops of ginger juice and mix it in hot water, drink this mixture three times in a day to get relief from hernia.
6. Potato for Hernia
Potato is one of the effective home remedies that are used widely for treating many diseases including hernia condition. This vegetable has an alkaline pH level that helps in reducing the acidity in the body.
How to use:
Boil potato peels in water, take this water and drink it 2-3 times in a day for better result.
7. Cardamom for Hernia
Cardamom comprises of high level of anti-oxidants and vitamins that soothe the hernia pain effectively. This ingredient helps in getting relief from constipation by facilitating easy bowel movement thus minimizes this condition.
How to use:
Have cardamom with hot milk to get rid of hernia pain.
8. Flax Seeds for Hernia
Flax seeds comprise of high level of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which helps in decreasing the intensity of hernia pain and at the same time treats constipation.
How to use:
Take 1 tablespoon of flax seeds and soak it in water overnight, drink this water early in the morning to get rid of hernia pain. Flax seed oil can be rubbed on the affected area for better relief.
9. Red Onions for Hernia
Red onions are one of the best natural remedies for managing hernia condition. It comprises of sulfur that is rich in anti-inflammatory elements, thus it helps in getting rid of this painful condition.
How to use:
Take some onion juice and apply on the affected area for relief from hernia pain. One can also have raw onions to get rid of this problem effectively.
10. Figs for Hernia
Fig is another useful home remedy for treating hernia. It comprises of potassium which helps in decreasing the intensity of this condition.
How to use:
Boil figs in water, drink the water twice daily to treat hernia pain successfully at home. This process can be very beneficial if done regularly without fail.
Closing thoughts:
The above mentioned home remedies are very helpful in getting rid of this painful condition without any side-effects. One can try having these recipes to get relief from hernia pain. These ingredients do not trigger any major health problems and will give you positive results within a short time period.