Top 8 Natural and Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa

It is a term that is used for a group of eye diseases that can lead to loss of sight. This is a rare disorder that is passed from parent to child. There are some studies in which is estimated that only 1 out of every 4,000 people get it. Also, it is noticed that about half of all people who have retinitis pigmentosa have a family member who also has this condition. Difficulty seeing at night and a loss of peripheral vision are the most common symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa. When someone has retinitis pigmentosa, then photoreceptors progressively lose their function. [1] Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa is very effective to treat the condition.
There are more than 60 different genes that can cause different types of retinitis pigmentosa. There are three different ways in which parents can pass the problem genes on their children and they are X – linked RP, autosomal dominant RP, and autosomal recessive RP. Your doctor will make special tests to see if you have retinitis pigmentosa and give you the proper diagnosis. The retinitis pigmentosa worsens over time, but most patients retain at least partial vision and complete blindness is rare.
There are many people who are diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa when they are doing routine eye exams and usually this is happening when the patient is 10 years old. Usually, the symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa do not develop until adolescence. There is no cure for retinitis pigmentosa but natural remedies can help you to manage its symptoms. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from retinitis pigmentosa before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies. Here is some Home Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa:

Bilberry helps retinitis pigmentosa
This is a fruit that is related to wild blueberries and huckleberries that are found in North America. Bilberry is used in European traditional medicine since the 12th In American groceries, fresh bilberries are not commonly found but they are often used to make syrups, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, cobblers, pies, and jams. There are some laboratory studies in which it said that bilberry can be used as a home remedy for retinitis pigmentosa but until studies in humans are done, this home remedy is not considered as safe [2].
If you have decided to use bilberry as your home remedy, then talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage and suitability. The safety and long–term side effects of bilberry are not known. If you are allergic to bilberry, anthocyanosides (this is a component of bilberry), or to plants in the Ericaceae family, then you should not use bilberry as your Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa. You should not Rconsume the bilberry leaves. If you have diabetes or bleeding disorders, then you should talk with your doctor if you should use it as your Herbal Product for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Vitamin E
This vitamin exists in 8 different forms – alpha; beta; gamma and delta-tocopherol; and alpha, beta, gamma, and delta-tocotrienol. It is known that alpha-tocopherol is most active in people. You should talk with your doctor if you suffer from retinitis pigmentosa before you start using Vitamin E as your Herbal Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa because in some studies is said that this vitamin does not slow the visual decline [3]. Also, this vitamin can be associated with rapid loss of visual acuity but this is not proven. You should avoid taking large doses of Vitamin E.
Acupuncture treat retinitis pigmentosa
There are some studies in which it said that people who have retinitis pigmentosa can get benefits from the usage of acupuncture as their Natural Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa because it can help to improve the eyesight. Retinitis pigmentosa is a generally inherited condition and it can lead to blindness. It has been noticed that acupuncture has improved the overall eyesight and it has improved problems of dark to light adaptation and night blindness.
It is noticed that patients who received ten-minute acupuncture treatment in a period of two weeks have improved the vision in both eyes after only one week of acupuncture treatment and these results lasted from ten to twelve months. Also, it was noticed that the dark adaptation has increased significantly in the subjects. The ability to see in darkened regions and night vision has improved significantly in subjects.
Also, in other people was noticed an expansion of visibility within a large visual field. Doctors have said that acupuncture has minimal risk for people who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa if it is done by a trained acupuncturist. You should know that acupuncture needles do not go into the eyes. The closest points are in the cheekbone area and eyebrow area. [4]
Wear sunglasses
There are some studies in which are shown that wearing sunglasses can help to protect your eyes from UV rays and this can help you to protect your vision [5]. Also, it is noticed that many patients experience glare when they are exposed to bright lights. You can wear special glasses in which a light amber filter is added so it can help you to improve the tolerance of bright lights.
We know that DHA is an Omega – 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and also it is acting as an antioxidant agent. There are some studies in which it said that DHA can help in the Natural Home Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa but also there are other studies that do not support this claim. There should be done a lot more studies in the future to approve or disapprove the usage of DHA as a home remedy for retinitis pigmentosa. [6]
Vitamin A
There are some studies in which are said that high doses of Vitamin A (about 15,000 IU) can help to slow the progression of retinitis pigmentosa in some people. But there should be done a lot more studies in the future to tell if this home remedy is really effective for retinitis pigmentosa. Usually, doctors are recommending 900 micrograms for adult men and 700 micrograms for adult women. [6]
There have been some recent studies in which it said that Vitamin A in the palmitate form is an effective Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa for people who suffer from the conditions and this is a reason why doctors are recommending this Retinitis Pigmentosa Natural Treatment. You should know that Vitamin A toxicity can happen if you take this home remedy in high doses. Excessive amounts of Vitamin A can lead to clumsiness, liver problems, dizziness, blurred vision, headache, vomiting, and nausea. Also, the excessive amount of this Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa can increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.
There are some studies in which are said that when Vitamin A is taken in the recommended dosages, then it is safe for pregnant women. You should be careful if you are breastfeeding because the effects of this home remedy are not well studied on babies. If you are allergic to Vitamin A, then you should avoid its usage. It is noticed that smokers who consume Vitamin A and alcohol have an increased risk of getting heart disease and lung cancer so they should not use this home remedy for retinitis pigmentosa. If you suffer from alcoholism or liver disease, then you should use it with caution.
Omega – 3 fatty acids
These fatty acids are considered safe when they are taken in doses that do not exceed RDA. You should not consume Omega – 3 fatty acids as your Natural Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa if you are allergic to linolenic acid, fish, nuts, or products that have Omega – 3 fatty acids that come from nuts and fish. You should avoid Omega – 3 fatty acids during active bleeding. If you suffer from low blood pressure, diabetes, bleeding disorders or if you are taking supplements, herbs, or drugs to treat these conditions, then you should not use Omega – 3 fatty acids as your home remedy for retinitis pigmentosa. You should use it cautiously if you are going to have surgery.
Medical marijuana
Medical marijuana is used all around the world. The effects of medical marijuana on the function of the retina and the visual system are not investigated thoroughly. There are some studies in which are said that cannabinoids which are present in medical marijuana can be beneficial in preventing certain degenerative diseases of the retina. Also, it is said that cannabinoids can delay retinal degeneration in people who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa. There should be done a lot more studies in the future to identify the exact mechanism by which these components can delay vision loss in people who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa. [7]