Hello! Hello! We’ve got some tips to kill those Eye Bags!!

sleepy all day long. You just can’t see those gloomy eyes and take more stress and make the condition worse. Here we’ve stolen some nice tips to take care of Eye Bags from theguardian.com and by that we don’t actually mean that we stole them: D we just copied along with the reference for your information dearies.
Here’s the interesting stuff that we found.
Source: www.theguardian.com
They say that “Eye bags are partly down to genes and worsen with age. They may also signal an allergy. Sadly, though, according to the British Association of Dermatologists, nothing has been scientifically proven to reduce them. We do know that they are often caused by fluid retention, and that dehydration might exacerbate this, so increasing your water intake could help. Other than that, you could try these popular but scientifically unproven treatments. If nothing else, they might cheer you up.
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1 Yo-Tox. The hottest non-surgical “facelift” trend from Manhattan: “Sit cross-legged and place the first two fingers of each hand on either side of your nose about an inch down from the center of your eyes,” instructs facial yoga expert Katrina Repka. “This is an ayurvedic energy point. Keep a light pressure, close your eyes, and turn your eyes upwards in your head to gaze at the third-eye point – between your eyebrows. Stay for 5-10 seconds and repeat as needed to help reduce puffiness and stimulate the drainage of fluid from the eye area.
2 Take a nap. Though no research backs up the sleep-eyebag link, psychological studies show that we feel worse about our appearance when sleep deprived. Loughborough University’s Sleep Research Centre has established that a 15-minute nap is enough to fool the brain into thinking it has had a proper night’s sleep.
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3 Cool off. Jane Griffin, a facial mapping specialist at Neal’s Yard Remedies, in London, says a cooling eye gel may help to shrink the blood vessels, reducing some of the puff.
4 Acupressure. The acupressure point for eyes is on the mound on your palm just below the index finger. Press it. Repeatedly.
5 Potato therapy. “Potatoes contain catecholase, used in some cosmetics as a skin lightener,” says Charlotte Vohtz, founder of the natural cosmetics company Green People. “Rest half moons of potato on the eye bags for 20 minutes.” At the very least, you’ll get some rest before the next festive boozathon.
So, these seem very helpful. Do try them and let us know the results too.
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