Retinitis Pigmentosa – Gradual Vision Loss

What Is Retinitis Pigmentosa?
Retinitis pigmentosa, basically refer to a particular group of diseases that causes a gradual but progressive loss of your vision. In each of such, there is a slow loss of light-sensitive retina cells named as cones and rods. Majority of the forms of Retinitis Pigmentosa are genetic or inherited, however its signs, not necessarily tend to appear in each generation. In few cases, retinitis pigmentosa may be linked with some other health related problems example hearing loss. Sufferers of RP have chances to develop few other treatable diseases of eye such as cataract and glaucoma. Natural Herbs Clinic offers retinitis pigmentosa, one of the effective Herbal Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa which is the best possible Treatment for disease till date.
Retinitis Pigmentosa Causes
According to the experts of Natural Herbs Clinic, RP can tend to run in families. It can be hence caused due to some genetic defects. Rods, the cells that control the night vision are most expected to be affected. Whereas, in few cases, the retinal cone cells are actually damaged most. Presence of some dark deposits in retina is main signs of RP.
Retinitis Pigmentosa Symptoms
Prominent Symptoms of Retinitis Pigmentosa are peripheral vision loss and night blindness. Symptoms often start during the young adulthood, even though Retinitis Pigmentosa may be actually seen at any age. The above mentioned symptoms do not indicate the person is confirmed to have RP, but if one experiences such symptoms, he must immediately contact his eye doctor. Central vision loss can be hence noticed in advanced cases.
Few other symptoms may include tunnel vision, latticework vision, blurring of vision, slow adjustment from light to dark environments plus vice versa, extreme tiredness and poor color separation.
Retinitis Pigmentosa Tests And Exams
Tests in order to evaluate your retina are examination by ophthalmoscopy following the dilation of pupil, color vision, intraocular pressure, fluorescein angiography, electroretinogram, refraction test, pupil reflex response, retinal photography, visual acuity, slit lamp examination, visual field test.
Time To Contact The Medical Professional
Contact the health care provider in case the night vision tends to become difficult or one notices other symptoms of RP.
Retinitis Pigmentosa Prevention
Genetic testing and counseling may actually help determine either the children are at possible risk or not for this disease. Wearing the sunglasses can protect your retina from the ultraviolet light can help preserve the vision.
Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment
Few studies suggested that the Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment by antioxidants (like high dosage of vitamin A palmitate) can slow RP. Though, taking such high dosage of Vitamin A may cause some serious liver harms. Microchip implants, a treatment is in its early stages of development in order to treat blindness linked with RP, plus other serious conditions related to eye. Retinitis pigmentosa, a product offered by Natural Herbs Clinic, has proved to treat the condition effectively and successfully since years, and thus a recognized name. It is prepared with one hundred percent useful natural ingredients collected from all over the world; hence, it does not cause any side effects.
Natural Herbal Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Unfortunately there is no cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa. Natural Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa options is different in their degrees of success. Recent research has shown that Vitamin A Palmitate often slows the progression of the disease in certain patients. Studies have also shown that a diet rich in omega-3 can slow the progression of Retinitis Pigmentosa. Wearing sunglasses to protect the retina from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet light can help defend the eyes from damage and protect vision for a longer period of time.
Natural Herbal Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa include are
- Take juice of amla daily
- Put 1 drop of pure honey in eyes in morning
- For Retinitis Pigmentosa Herbal Treatment mix quantity of almond-100g, black pepper-10g, Ashwagandha choorna-100g, mulethi choorna-100g. Take 1 tsp twice daily with milk after food.
Read more detail about Herbal Remedies for Retinitis Pigmentosa at Natural Herbs Clinic.