
Natural Herbal Treatment of Blepharitis Inflammation of the Eyelids

Blepharitis is normally a chronic condition connecting the inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. This can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including sore, itchy and dry eyes as well as crusty and sticky discharge. If Blepharitis is left untreated, it can lead to severe eye infection so it is suggested to discuss with the ophthalmologist right away. The Blepharitis Treatment begins with thorough eye examination to determine the exact cause of the eyelid inflammation. Blepharitis Herbal Treatment is easily available at Natural Herbs Clinic.

Blepharitis inflammation can affect one or both eyes. It can be caused by also a bacterial infection or the skin disorder dermatitis. If left untreated, difficulty of blepharitis can arise. It is essential for you to take the basic steps to keep your eyes clean to stop problems from occur.

Blepharitis Natural Treatment

The most helpful way to prevent Blepharitis is to keep good eyelid hygiene by washing the scalp on a regular basis and keeping dandruff at bay, removes mascara and other eyelid cosmetics, wash the eyelids accurately everyday etc. There are various natural remedies and helpful self-care measures that can treat the mild symptoms of Blepharitis and even stop them from occurring. Below mentioned are some effective herbal remedies and Blepharitis Natural Treatment.

Coconut Oil

Another oil that works as one of the most successful home remedies for blepharitis is Coconut oil. Just like aloe vera, coconut oil is full with health benefits to soothe the body. Like most further remedies on our list, all you have to do is get a cotton pad and dab it in coconut oil. Allow it to take action for anywhere between twenty and thirty minutes and then remove. To get the best outcome, use coconut oil as a remedy multiple times every day.

Coconut Oil

Tea Tree Oil

If you have blepharitis then it can also be treated with Tea Tree Oil. It used to assist treat the underlying cause and also relieved the symptoms like itching of the eyelids and eyelid inflammation. You will need to dilute a few drops oil of vegetable with few of drops with tea tree oil. You should soak a cotton swab in this mixture. Then, you should apply it on your eyelids. Let it wait for fifteen minutes.

Tea Tree Oil


This herb also has antibacterial properties, thus helping in fighting against the bacterial infections responsible for Blepharitis. Chamomile is a very effective element for Blepharitis Herbal Treatment it  is particularly very helpful in dropping pain and help skin regeneration, thus helping to get rid of scaly skin which is a trademark of Blepharitis. Chamomile can be consumed internally in form of herbal tea. It is as well accessible in form of creams, skin wash, ointments, herbal compress, poultice etc., to get rid of Blepharitis.



Honey is useful resource for Blepharitis Herbal Treatment it is  antifungal, antibiotic, and antiviral. It can be used to treat a extensive variety of disease, including eczema, mild burns, wounds, IBS, and acid reflux. Thanks to its soothing and moisturizing abilities, honey is as well helpful in alleviate the symptoms of blepharitis. After cleaning your eyes, apply a small amount of honey to a q-tip and apply to the internal lower inflamed eyelid. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and then wash away. Repeat nightly until the inflammation has cleared.

Aloe Vera

As with further Natural Remedies for Blepharitis, the first thing you should do is make sure that the eyes have been carefully cleaned. Then, take either a freshly-cut aloe leaf, or a small quantity of aloe gel, and apply to affected eyelids with a cotton bud. After 10 – 15 minutes, gently remove the gel with a clean cotton pad or washcloth, soaked in warm water. As this treatment is so gentle, you are welcome to repeat it up to three times per day.

Aloe Vera

Potato Slices

One of the Natural Cure for Blepharitis that does not involve liquids or cotton balls is potato. The good part is that you will most likely have a potato or two lying around, so you won’t need to leave your home to stock up on any other supplies. Get a potato and wash it thoroughly. Cut it into if possible thin piece so it won’t put too much strain on your infected eyes. Put them over your eyelids for approximately twenty minutes for a reliable outcome. Similarly, repeat often so the inflammation can go away in a timely manner. For more information about Blepharitis Herbal Treatment click this link Natural Herbs.

Potato Slices

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