Get rid of Vocal Cord Nodules with Natural Remedies

What is Vocal Cord Nodules
Vocal cord nodules can only be effectively managed by eating the right foods if vocal cord nodules are newly formed and only starting to grow. However, if your vocal cord nodules are already in the advanced state (hard vocal nodules), eating the right foods can no longer help you effectively get rid of them because these nodules already formed fibrous tissues (scar tissues) which is not effectively remedied by eating the right foods and the proper medical intervention to these types of nodules are mostly through a surgery. Below are the foods that are effective in reducing the size of soft vocal cord nodules: Use Natural Remedies for Vocal Cord Nodules to get rid of the problem.
Signs of Vocal Cord Nodules
Watch for these signs and symptoms:
Hoarseness and a rough voice.
Harshness and a scratchy voice.
Feeling like there’s a lump in your throat.
Neck pain and decreased pitch range.
Voice and body fatigue.
Pain that shoots from ear to ear.
Causes of Vocal Nodules
There are many possible contributors to vocal nodules, including:
Vocal abuse (singing improperly, shouting, and overuse of the voice).
Continuous coughing can irritate the throat.
Allergies or smoking.
Tense muscles.
Too much caffeine and alcohol consumption (they dry out your throat).
Natural Remedies for Vocal Cord Nodules
Gargle warm saltwater
Simply mix 1/2 tsp. of table salt in a glass of warm water, stir thoroughly and gargle for three minutes, then spit. You can swallow just a bit of the water so it coats the inside of your throat. The idea is to coat your vocal cords with warm saltwater. This helps reduce swelling and pain through the process of osmosis. Avoid actually drinking salt water, especially if you are on a low-sodium diet for high blood pressure. The pain should significantly decrease after using the saltwater. Do this a maximum of three times a day. This is a very simple and Natural Treatment for Vocal Cord Nodules.
Rest your voice
Speak only when necessary, and remember that most cases of vocal cord nodules occur because of vocal abuse. Rest your voice at least once a day. If speaking hurts too much, carry a paper and pen so you can still communicate with people around you.
Since ancient times, garlic has been used in Home Remedies for Vocal Cord Nodules and other various health ailments and some of its medical properties are anti-cancer, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory which is all beneficial in managing soft vocal cord nodules. Add 4 to 6 cloves minced or crushed raw garlic to your daily diet or simply mix it in a blender with your favorite fruit or vegetable for a healthy drink.
Honey is also one of the most commonly used Natural Remedies for Vocal Cord Nodules and as well to treat other various kinds of health problems. Honey also has potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are also beneficial in managing vocal cord nodules. Add a few tablespoons of honey to your favorite warm cup of herbal tea and drink twice a day.
Fruits are also a good choice in ridding yourself of soft vocal cord nodules especially fruits like oranges and apples which are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients needed by the body to hasten tissue healing. Different fruits can make helpful Herbal Supplements for Vocal Cord Nodules natural treatment.
Cold fishes
Cold fishes like mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna, contain high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids which effectively helps in reducing inflammation.
Whole grains
Whole grains are rich in fibers and also reduces tissue inflammation by reducing the levels of C – reactive protein found in the blood that promotes inflammation. Make use of Whole grains in Herbal Remedies for Vocal Cord Nodules can be a good option to get relief.
Dark leafy vegetables
These vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale are the best sources of vitamin E that protects the body from cytokines (inflammatory molecules). Dark leafy vegetables are also rich in iron, calcium, and phytochemicals that boost the immune system. The use of Dark leafy vegetables can be very helpful in Herbal Treatment for Vocal Cord Nodules without any side effects.
Diets that help get rid of vocal nodules?
Having the “Screamer’s nodes” or vocal nodules can affect daily communication, lifestyle, and work especially if you belong in an industry that capitalizes on your vocal strings such as singers, voice talents, educators; and the like. These are the individuals who are most at risk of contracting vocal cord nodules which can be painful, uncomfortable, and affects overall voice range and quality. Obviously, you should quit smoking if you’re a smoker, but it’s just as important to eat a well-balanced and appropriate diet of food and beverages. This will help you manage and get rid of vocal cord nodules while maintaining a healthy physique. Here are some food groups that you should include on your daily menu plan:
Whole Grain Diet
Every table needs daily servings of whole-grain meals such as oatmeal, cereals, bread, brown rice, whole-grain crackers, popcorn, and whole-grain wheat; to name some. This can be consumed every day in generous proportions as it is known to be low in cholesterol and high in carbohydrates and fiber content needed for proper body nourishment without the harmful fat content that can aggravate vocal cord nodules.
Fruits and Vegetables Diet
Dig into a variety of fruits and vegetables and get the fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as well as water that you need for detoxification and hydration needed to treat vocal cord nodules. Indulge in a myriad of fruits and veggies such as apples, oranges, watermelon, lettuce, cabbage; and the like to rake in all the health benefits you need. This is one type of diet that you can never get enough of. A combination of fruits and vegetables can make one of the very helpful Herbal Products for Vocal Cord Nodules to get rid of it.
Lots of Water
Proper hydration is highly vital and critical towards successfully getting rid of vocal cord nodules as it provides the lubrication that is essential to healthy vocal cords and the throat; in general. Steer clear of too many caffeinated or carbonated beverages such as soda and coffee which can actually cause dehydration. You can check if you are drinking enough water when you see that your urine is pure and clear. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day but be careful not to consume too much water at very close intervals as this can be dangerous as well.
Here are some food choices that you should avoid if you have vocal cord nodules:
Spicy Meals
Avoid consuming hot and spicy foods (no matter how deliciously tempting it is) as this can cause acid reflux which can exacerbate vocal cord nodules and harm the throat and esophagus.
Dairy Products
Reduce consumption of dairy products such as cheese and milk which precipitates mucus production that can irritate the lining of the vocal cords.
Caffeine and Carbonated Drinks
Instead of getting that cup of coffee or a can of your favorite soda, you can opt for decaffeinated beverages such as tea with honey. This is a healthier option as compared to drinks that you can readily purchase on the go. But, you can consume sparingly or in moderation. Diuretics can dry out the vocal cord area and aggravate its condition.
Depends on the size of the nodules
If they are huge, you will need to get them surgically removed. Seek a doctor for that. If they are small, simply rest your voice for a couple of weeks, refrain from straining your voice, drink liquids of room temperature, do not smoke, and have enough sleep.
Visit Natural Herbs Clinic for further information.
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