How to Treat Lipoma Completely with Natural Remedies

If you’ve noticed a small bump under the skin, then it can be a lipoma – a benign fatty tumor located directly under the skin. It is elastic and you can easily feel it under the skin. Usually, it doesn’t cause any pain and is completely harmless. Natural Remedies for Lipoma can provide positive results in treating the condition.
How to recognize a lipoma
Fatty bumps can occur on any part of the body. They are:
Usually located directly under the skin (in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms, and thighs);
Usually soft to the touch and can be easily moved under a slight pressure of a finger;
As a rule, small (up to 2 inches) in diameter, but they can grow;
Sometimes painful (when they grow actively squeezing nearby nerves, or contain many blood vessels).
It is not known for sure what causes lipoma, but experts believe it can be connected with physical trauma. It has also been established that lipomas often run in families, so genetic factors are one of the determining for developing a lipoma. In addition, lipomas are facilitated by unhealthy food.
As usual, lipomas grow slowly over a few months or even years. They can start growing at any age, but typically, they appear in adults between ages 40 and 60. Males are more susceptible to it than women.
How to treat a lipoma naturally
Although lipomas are absolutely harmless, they may appear unaesthetic or cause certain discomfort. Doctors suggest surgery for permanent removal or steroid injections to make them smaller.
As these methods can be rather pricey, many people prefer to seek Herbal Alternative Medicine ways to solve this problem. And although it is almost impossible to eliminate a lipoma with the help of non-invasive treatment without normalizing fat metabolism, there are some Home Remedies for Lipoma. Note that the effectiveness of the described methods is different in each specific case.

Natural Remedies for Lipoma
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the very helpful Natural Remedies for Lipoma that will help eliminate even large bumps. Dilute 1-3 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink the solution three times a day. As it will be difficult in the beginning, start with less vinegar, gradually increasing its concentration.
Many herbs and spices have a purifying effect on fatty tissue cells. You can add turmeric powder to water or milk. Take this one of the best Herbal products for Lipoma at least once a day.
You can also apply turmeric directly to the lipoma. For this mix half a teaspoon of the powder with twice as much coconut oil. Apply the mixture every day before bedtime and wash it off in the mornings.
Castor oil
Castor oil has been long known for treating different benign growths, including lipomas. Ricinoleic acid contained in it helps to shrink fatty tissue under the skin. This Herbal Treatment for Lipoma will be most effective against small growths.
Apply this oil on the lipoma and slightly rub it in with circular motions before bedtime.
Adenosine, allicin, and paraffin polysulphides contained in garlic help reduce the size of fat formations under the skin. Garlic can include in large numbers of Herbal Remedies for Lipoma and many other skin issues and disease.
This herb helps shrink lipoma and also prevents the development of new ones. In addition, ginger helps improve blood circulation. Ginger is a very popular Natural Treatment for Lipoma that works very effectively without any side effects.
Massage the affected area with ginger oil several times a day. Leave it on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse. Drink 2-3 cups of ginger tea daily with a little lemon juice and honey.
Cayenne pepper
This spice has a pronounced catabolic effect on fatty deposits under the skin and improves blood circulation. Cayenne pepper contains a chemical component known as capsaicin, which will reduce lipomas.
Add fresh chopped cayenne pepper to soups and second courses or massage the affected area with cream containing capsaicin several times a day. Cayenne pepper is a very helpful ingredient used in Herbal Remedies for Lipoma lots of other diseases.
For further information about home remedies and Herbal Supplements for Lipoma, you have to visit Natural Herbs Clinic an online herbal medicine store.
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