4 Natural Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a constant, degenerative, autoimmune disease that guide to the over creation of collagen in the body’s connective tissue. The word “scleroderma” means “hardening of the skin” and refers to one of the probable physical effects of the disease. If systemic throughout the body, Scleroderma is known as progressive systemic sclerosis. Try Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma for complete treatment of this disease.
Symptoms of Scleroderma
The first warning Symptoms of Scleroderma generally involve the skin. Hard round or oval patches may appear on your skin. These patches are generally white with a reddish area around them. They may appear on your stomach, chest, arms, face, legs or other parts of the body. If you have generalized scleroderma a bigger area of skin will be affected. You may also have other warning symptoms.
Cause of scleroderma
The exact Cause of Scleroderma is unknown. On the other hand, it’s thought that abnormal activity in the immune system causes cells to overproduce collagen, which in turn causes connective tissue to build up. For that reason, it is recognized as an autoimmune disease, meaning a disease of the immune system.
Scleroderma Natural Remedies
Even though the condition is potentially fatal and has no cure, there is Natural Remedies for Scleroderma. In fact, there are some natural remedies that you can try that do not require a doctor’s recommendation.
Herbal Remedies
Admittedly the effectiveness of herbs in the treatment of systemic sclerosis is yet to be scientifically proven. On the other hand, it has been verified that many well known herbs have healing properties that help alleviate exact symptoms. Used for many years, Gotu Kola is helpful in reliving joint pain, soothing hard skin, and improving finger-joint movement. Further herbs such as cleavers and red clover are used to decrease respiratory complications connected with the condition.
Horsetail, rich in silica, is used to alleviate and eventually stop the degeneration of connective tissues. Herbs such as comfrey, Siberian ginseng, devil’s claw and sassafras are used in Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma. It help in detoxifying the skin to ease skin hardening and get better elasticity. To benefit from these herbs, you should get ready them as herbal tea and use as advised by an herbal expert.
Evening Prime Rose
Evening prime rose is a medicinal herb and oil containing high levels of gamma-linoleic acid (GLC). Gamma-linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid, which help the body in anti-inflammatory functions. The use of evening prime rose oil reduces tissue inflammation and help in nerve development when used over a period of time.
Green Tea
Green tea is known to have exceptional antioxidant qualities and should be used instead of your normal beverage as often as possible. Green tea has also been reported to hold some chelation benefits, meaning the antioxidant may as well remove harmful heavy metals trapped around your body.
This is also a form of herbal treatment which is helpful in treating scleroderma. Research shows that it is a combination of protein digesting enzymes which are generally found in Pineapples. This is a treatment which has been used for various decades for treatment of different disease. This treatment is not particular for Scleroderma bit it can be used for reducing pain and inflammation.
Natural Herbal Treatment for Scleroderma
There is no cure for scleroderma. On the other hand, Natural Treatment for Scleroderma that can lessen symptoms and organ damage. Pulmonary hypertension, for example, can generally be well controlled. Let us take a look at some simple Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma that may relieve the symptoms of this constant disease.
It is totally essential to treat it before it affects other body organs mostly when it spreads to interior body organs, and what preferable route over to have a Scleroderma Natural Treatment.
One of the best Herbal Treatment for Scleroderma for improve condition. Apply garlic each of the three pieces to affected areas on the skin. Rub these pieces on the patches for half an hour.
You can also get ready garlic tea, and use a cloth to apply that on the skin. To prepare garlic tea, boil a few garlic cloves in water and brew the combination.
Natural Herbs Clinic provide more details about Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma treatment and recovery.