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Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores


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Natural Herbal Treatment For Cold Sores

Natural Herbal Treatment For Cold Sores

When you are looking for a proper Treatment for Cold Sores it can be hard finding the right one. If you opt for over the counter remedies which are prescription strength or you can look towards more Natural Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores methods – some of which are greatly successful in treating cold sores. You must be aware though that prescription drugs and plants can cause effects which are secondary and these can trigger complications.

Herbal supplements the most commonly prescribed Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores for relieving pain and discomfort from a cold sore. It is effective in helping the body to perform its natural function of regeneration of damaged liver tissue, while promoting improved overall regulation of physiological processes.

Boost your white blood cell count with natural herbal supplements, which helps defend your body against invaders. Take an herbal supplement product to boost immunity and promote skin health — and, of course, heal cold sores. Cold sores will you generally go away on their own after a few days, but there are numerous prescription remedies and Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores that can help speed up that healing time. If you experience some outbreaks a year, you can even take as soon as Cold Sores Herbal Treatment use herbal supplement all year round to stop outbreaks altogether.

The Cold Sores Herbal Treatment can prevent the re occurrence of this disease and limit the severity of the attack. You can also read the dosage recommendation on the product bottle and take action accordingly. The positive effects of herbal supplement for Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores have recently been demonstrated in a variety of clinical studies.

That’s why Cold Sores Herbal Treatment is becoming so popular. By using natural healing solutions, the pain and discomfort can be eased in no time at all. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at some of the most effective Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores with herbal supplement and discuss why they work.It’s important to be open to trying the most basic, natural ingredients that have shown results. Natural herbs, first and foremost, will help to lessen cold sore outbreaks.

While there’s nothing any of us can do to stop cold sores 100% of the time, starting out with a healthy body, and healthy skin, can lessen the severity of an outbreak. Compounds that are antiviral, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting are often good for treating cold sores. Cold Sores Herbal Treatment help limit the spread of the virus. Others lessen the chance of further infections or decrease pain and discomfort. Not every medical treatment works for every single individual, but a wide range of herbal products and Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores may help lessen symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.

Natural Remedies For Cold Sores

You can use Herbal Treatment as Natural Remedies for Cold Sores here:

Some Natural Remedies for Cold Sores help limit the spread of the virus. Others reduce the chance of further infections or decrease pain and discomfort.Not every treatment works for every individual, but a wide range of natural remedies for cold sores may help reduce symptoms and prevent future flare-ups. There are several natural remedies for cold sores that are known to be effective. Individuals who are prone to having cold sores should benefit from these remedies and Cold Sores Herbal Treatment. Treating cold sores should be taken seriously because they can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.

Benefits Of Herbal Treatment

Benefits of Herbal Treatment for Cold Sores include are:

  • It helps reduce recovery time.
  • It helps stop the spread of the virus.
  • It helps heal the cold sore and reduce pain.
  • It helps relieve pain and swelling.
  • It also prevents cold sores that are caused by sun exposure.
  • It fight the herpes virus and in reducing inflammation.
  • It helps protect it from bacteria.
  • It can relieve the inflammation.
  • It may reduce redness.
  • It helps remove crusting and promote healing.

Other Natural Herbal Treatments For Cold Sores

Some other Natural Treatments for Cold Sores include are:

  • Ice Packs
  • Aloe vera
  • Sunscreen
  • Vitamin C
  • Milk
  • Lemon Balm
  • Lemon Tea
  • Garlic
  • Tea Bags
  • Yogurt Treatment
  • Green tomato
  • Honey

Natural Essential Oils For Cold Sores

Natural Essential oils for Cold Sores include are

  • Chrysanthemum Oil
  • Chamomile Oil
  • Hyssop Oil
  • Lemon balm Oil
  • Thyme Oil
  • Sweet almond Oil
  • Anise Oil
  • Oregano Oil
  • Ginger Oil
  • Sandalwood Oil
  • Turmeric Oil

Mix 20 drops of Sandalwood oil with three drops of eucalyptus oil. Blend the mixture well. Add this mixture to 1 ounce aloe gel and mix thoroughly. Dab a small of this blend on the area affected once an hour until your symptoms disappear.

When using Natural Essential oils as a topical skin treatment, there are numerous things you should keep in mind. Diluting the oils that you use for treatment with nonabrasive carrier oil, for example coconut oil or jojoba oil, will help keep your skin from becoming further inflamed by the cold sore.

Ingredients Used

Artemisia vulgaris, Fumaria officinalis, Lycopodium clavatum ,Melia azadirachta Linn, Sphaeranthus hirtus, Swertia chirata, Tephrosia purpurea, Terminalia chebula, Tinospora cordifolia, Zizyphus vulgaris, Preservatives, Saccharum Glucose Base

Disease Information

What Is Cold Sores?

Cold sores can be a big problem all over the world, particularly if the condition is chronic. Chronic cold sores are more than an irritation. In most instances, it is a real health problem. Aside from being embarrassing, cold sores can be really, really painful. Therefore, it is important to discover a cold sore cure.

Anyone who has suffering having a cold sore knows how unpleasant it can be. The most awful thing about cold sores is that they seem to pop up at the most unfortunate of time like when you have a big date, a major presentation or before you go on a long vacation. This is why an effective and lasting cold sore cure is greatly in demand.

Why do cold sores pop out during important moments? The answer is simple. It is because stress can cause cold sores. Important moments like weddings or office presentations can cause a lot of stress in a person’s life. When a person is stressed his immunity level is reduce. This makes him more susceptible to diseases and infections. Another cause of cold sores is overexposure to sunlight, fevers and other illnesses and eating too many sweets like candies.

Cold sores generally appear on the outside of the mouth. This is what differentiates it from canker sores which appear in the inside of the mouth cavity. It is only during rare times that cold sores will come out on the inside. Another difference between cold sores and canker sores is that the previous is caused by a virus while the latter is caused by bacteria.

The most common way of infecting others with cold sores is kissing. Doting relatives and friends usually infect children before they are seven. Keep in mind; you are contagious from the initial tingle until about two days after complete healing.

Cold sore sufferers will many times create a new area of infection on their body with contaminated fingers or towels. The fluid that weeps from cold sores is teaming with new virus looking for a new home. If you have a cut on your finger and you get even one virus in that cut, you will likely get cold sores on your finger.

Cold Sores do heal on their own, and annoying as they may be, there are steps you can take to stop them and things you can do to help them go away faster. These painful, itchy blisters seem to have a way of showing up right before vital events or vacations, which calls for Cold Sores Herbal Treatment to clear them up quick.

Symptoms Of Cold Sores

So what are possible symptoms of cold sores outbreak? There are a large number of cold sore sufferers who do not feel some symptoms at all. The others, on the other hand, may feel a tingling or burning sensation on the areas where an outbreak is supposed to erupt. These may be accompanied by a slight fever, sore throat, gums and mouth. Normally, Symptoms of Cold Sores infection vary depending on the stage of the cold sore life cycle. The typical life cycle is as follows:

The quicker you recognize the symptoms leading up to a breakout the sooner you can put a halt to a full blown unsightly crusty critter cold sore. This is a small list of what various have reported to me as early warning indicators preceding their cold sore breakouts:

  • Depression
  • Cold or Flu Symptoms
  • Too much sun exposure
  • After a dental visit
  • Wind exposure (especially in cold weather)
  • Cold weather
  • Over exertion
  • Fatique
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Dehydration
  • Recent cold sore exposure from someone also
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Stinging sensation in the corner of your smile
  • Injury to lip or mouth
  • Anxiety (should be listed as number one cause)
  • Medication that lower the immune system
  • Constipation
  • Extreme chlorine in swimming pools
  • Nasal sinus drainage or leaking nose from cold or flu
  • A combination of any or all of the above

Cold sore symptoms are caused by the replication process of the herpes simplex virus. 89% of people worldwide have this virus in their body, so it is rather universal. 67% of those people will experience cold sore symptoms at least once – most often 2 or more times – in the next 12 months. When Cold Sores Symptoms begin to appear there are numerous different types of treatments that you can try. Only you can determine what the best treatment is for you. Let’s take a look at various typical cold sore symptoms and different ways you can treat them.

Causes Of Cold Sores

Many of the people who suffer from cold sores are not completely conscious of their origin. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus and this is altogether different from the type 2 virus which is responsible for canker sores and sometimes genital herpes.

The primary cause of Cold sore is the transmission of an infections or virus by another person to the other by contacting saliva, the cough, air, surfaces, someone elses blood, needles that has bacteria, blood transfusions, sexual contact who has possessing the virus and mother to her babies.

Canker sores are small ulcer that looks like a crater or a recess of the oral mucosa. These wounds are generally very painful, and are known to ‘aphthous ulcers’ by doctors. Canker sores lies in the soft tissues of the mouth, where it is impossible to have a cold sore.

Canker sores are small ulcers in the mouth or in the inner lips which is very painful caused by a variety of viruses. Doctors call this condition aphthous stomatitis or aphthous ulcers. Canker sores are surrounded by a red halo and usually white or yellow in color. They can appear on the tongue, lips, gum, or inside the cheeks. The first sign of a canker sore may be a tingling, burning sensation in the mouth, followed shortly after the appearance of a white or yellowish spot edged with a red halo. The canker sore is caused by an inflammation and not an infection.

The Cold Sore Causes are the transmission of an infections or virus by another individual to the other by contacting saliva, the cough, air, someone elses blood, surfaces, needles that has bacteria, blood transfusions, sexual contact who has possessing the virus and mother to her babies.

Cold sores are small ulcer that looks like a crater or a recess of the oral mucosa. These wounds are usually very painful, and are known to ‘aphthous ulcers’ by doctors. Canker sores lies in the soft tissues of the mouth, where it is impossible to have a cold sore.

Cold sores are small ulcers in the mouth or in the inner lips which is very painful caused by a different of viruses. Doctors call this condition aphthous stomatitis or aphthous ulcers. Canker sores are surrounded by a red halo and usually white or yellow in color. They can become visible on the tongue, lips, gum, or inside the cheeks. The first sign of sores sore may be a tingling, burning sensation in the mouth, followed shortly after the appearance of a white or yellowish spot edged with a red halo. The cold sore is caused by an inflammation and not an infection.

Usage Instruction

  • The Herbal pill is intended for oral use only.
  • Take 2 Tablet in the morning after breakfast and 2 Tablet evening after dinner.
  • Fix times for daily intake and follow precisely.
  • Be regular to witness the most outstanding results.

Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Here we have some new and helpful Tips & Tricks of Cold Sores collected for you to take advantage from. We will keep updating them as soon as we come up with something new updates new helpful natural treatment. In the meanwhile read and follow some Tips & Tricks:

  • Don’t even keep the brush in your bathroom. Moisture helps increase of the virus in your brush.
  • Lysine is a type of amino acid that helps our body to boost up our immune system. With stronger immune system you will need minimal help of the external medications and drugs to heal your sores.
  • During the infection you have to avoid some foods that help your blisters to bloom. Foods like cola, peas, peanuts and gelatin has a type of amino acid called argentine that acts accurately opposite to the lysine amino acid.
  • Continue with your regular diet and regular workout. Regular exercise and natural diet helps boosting metabolic process in your body.
  • Don’t be afraid to take some vitamin supplements as well. But make sure that you choose high quality supplements.
  • Lemon balm can diminish the severity and duration of an attack and is believed to lessen the tendency of cold sore recurrence.
  • Taken preventively, as well as during an outbreak, anti-viral herbs can assist to lessen the virus from replicating and stop it from attaching to cells.
  • Avoid touching lesions with your hands.


  • All these tips & tricks of Cold Sores will keep you motivated and make you feel good about yourself while you are still undergoing the Cold Sores management routine with our Herbal Products.
  • These tips and tricks are by no means a replacement of actual products.


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